What Yoga Style to Study?

by Alexandra (Finland)

Hi Yogi Mir, What a wonderful website!

ohh, i have fallen in love with yoga and i want to do it for the rest of my life!

I actually want to teach yoga one day because it has helped me so much with myself so i would love to share the light with others.

Anyways I'm thinking of going to India one day and taking a yoga teacher training. But my problem is I love all the yogas, vinyasa, hatha, ashtanga, kundalini etc. Sooo what yoga to choose? What would you recommend? Hmmm I don't know if you can help with this one, but haha I thought why not to try. Oh yea and I got one problem left. I got really really weird feet and been bullied because of them for many years. Sometimes i have moments when the hard words get to me like duck foot (they are flat and have weird toes according to people). So in yoga people are always barefoot. I hope yoga would help me get rid of this insecurity its getting so annoying and because i can't change my feet :-(

Anyways thanks for this beautiful website.


Yogi Mir: 

Greetings, Alexandra! Namaste!

Congratulations on discovering and falling in love with yoga. It's a journey that will last a lifetime, and, in my opinion, many lifetimes. Sharing your Light is already teaching yoga. 

Your foot strength will improve with yoga practice. Regular practice of balancing poses has been known to lift the arches of flat feet. Such conditions are gifts to us, as they teach us how to be more mindful and how to modify. It makes us better, more compassionate yogis. 

As for a specific style, I'd recommend going with what life brings onto your plate. There are countless teacher trainings. Ask the people you already know - get a few ideas, then go with what your heart tells you. When it's right, it will feel that way. 

I'd recommend looking into the following: 

  • Sivananda Yoga centers and ashrams (in India and in the Bahamas);
  • Integral Yoga centers
  • Bihar School of Yoga (in India)

However, you may find a great local teacher who leads Yoga TTs, or takes students on retreats. Once you train in one style of yoga, it's only the beginning - you can add other styles, or specialties later: yoga therapeutics, etc. 

Best of Luck! Love and Light!

~ Yogi Mir